Tourism: Seychelles Rebuilds lost confidence in Saudi Arabia

The Tourism Seychelles Rebuilds lost confidence in Saudi Arabia

This past week, the tourism sector in Seychelles hosted a dedicated event for selected trade and media partners. The Movenpick Hotel & Residences Riyadh was chosen as location near King Abdulaziz International Airport.

The first private event for ‘Recovery in Tourism’ coincides with the visit of Minister Sylvestre Radegonde and Mrs. Bernadette Willemin, director-general Destination Marketing Saudi Arabia’s Ministry Of Foreign Affairs And Trade East triangle region . They were accompanied by their Seychelles rep Mr Ahmed Fathallah.

The Tourism Seychelles team was thrilled to see so many Saudi Arabian visitors at their annual conference, with 85 partners in attendance. 

Many of these partnerships have been working closely together over the last few years and it’s great that all this hard work is finally paying off!

Minister Radegonde began his speech with an expression of gratitude to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for their support and dedication in promoting Seychelles.

“I would like to express my utmost gratitude to our travel trade partners here in Saudi Arabia for being with us in tonight’s event, ‘Recovery in Tourism’. I speak for everyone when I say all of us faced many challenges during the pandemic, especially within the tourism and travel industry. As the world finally begins to open, we welcome you, our trade partners, who were with us all throughout this journey as tourism in Seychelles recovers”, said Mr. Radegonde.


The team helped attendees understand that while honeymoons, beach and sand island vacations may be nice they don’t really get at the essence of what Saudi Arabia has to offer. 

They also introduced other interesting attributes like how you can take part in a work-cation program or have family friendly holiday destination options for visitors looking beyond just beaches with palm trees!

Noting the gratitude towards trade and media partners, Mr. Fathallah says,

“Appreciation is an understatement of what we truly feel towards our trade and media partners in Saudi Arabia. From the struggle of the travel industry that we all endured up until its recovery during the previous months, our trade and media partners continued to show their ultimate support in promoting and building awareness for the destination. And with that, we truly are grateful for every one of them”.

During the evening, the Seychelles team kept the trade and media partners abreast of the latest updates pertaining to safe travels in Seychelles to further boost their confidence in traveling.


“We are delighted by the outcome of tonight’s event. We express our gratitude in further strengthening our support for our travel trade and media partners here in Saudi Arabia in any way we can. We are feeling positive moving forward and now that we are experiencing a speedy recovery in the tourism industry, I firmly believe that this is just the beginning of making a positive impact on the Saudi market and the overall GCC region”, Ms. Willemin expressed

  • Movenpick Hotel & Residences Riyadh,
  • Minister Sylvestre Radegonde,
  • Bernadette Willemin,
  • Ahmed Fathallah,
  • Saudi Arabia,
  • Seychelles,